Tuesday, November 22, 2005

And then there were 3

This is a quick post to advise the arrival of our son. I will put the details in point form and come along and update the blog in more detail when time permits ... Running on baby time is frantic business :)

Name : Fredrick Thomas
Estimated DOB: 06/11/05
Actual DOB: 16/11/05
Time: 10:31 am
Weight: 10 Pounds
Length: 53cm / 21 inches (I know .. I don't know how he fitted either)
Delivery: Caeserian (The not so little fella was too big to fit through birth canal)
Cord Blood: donated

Notes: After a week of false starts and 2 full days of contractions the poor little fella just couldn't get out. Saw the Ob on Tuesday who booked me in for the caeser the next day. Thinking back I could have done with more then a few hours to prepare myself - or possibly it was best not to know what was to come.

The Operation lasted about 45 minutes, this included getting anethesised, baby out, stitching up and possibly add another 15 minutes for recovery before being reunited with our son. The size of the little tacker initiated a conversation about football during the stitching up period.. heh. The obs doctor knew he was big but I don't think he realised just how big .. he had his foot on the bed trying to tug Fred out of the little hole he cut, alas Fred was stuck under every bone possible. The doc grunted and groaned, wished he cut the hole bigger and finally set Fred free from his happy home of 9 months. Everyone in the room looked a little shocked with his size.

He is absolutely beautiful and sleeping & feeding extremely well. If only Jo and I could stop looking at him to get some sleep in ourselves :)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

39 weeks, 3 days

This last week has been quite difficult physically and emotionally. I am very grateful for Jo being off work as I am finding it increasingly difficult to perform simple tasks. Then there’s the fact that she’s quite a pro at the odd bum massage. The swollenness mentioned in my last post is still with us and has worsened. Apparently I have developed an infection and as a result have started taken some pregnancy safe antibiotics. Hopefully they start to kick in soon and I may get some relief from the intermittent nausea. With all this going on I am actually in ok spirits (providing I get a nap during the day), enjoying Jo’s company and generally relaxing.

Pregnancy hormones are at boiling point causing the odd emotional flutter which is a little alien to me. I saw a little baby yesterday at the doctors, it must have been only a week old (if that) and I had a slight panic attack thinking “What am I supposed to do with something that little”. I realized that the majority of babies that we’ve seen have already been approx 6 weeks old or so. Saying that, and from what we saw from the ultrasound stats, I think that our little boy is already bigger then the baby seen yesterday (at least, that’s what I am telling myself).

Yesterday the midwife gave us some ideas on how to bring on labor; they included walking briskly, housework, eating curries, nipple tweaking (heh) and the ultimate failsafe method – castor oil. Today I thought we would try the “walking briskly to eat a curry” and as the days progress I’ll gradually raise the bar. Come Monday we’re breaking out the caster oil.. Well, that’s the `Jo and Tracy combined plan`. The `Tracy plan` was to slug down the caster oil unbeknownst to Jo on the way home from the doctors yesterday – heh. Alas, I couldn’t do that to Jo. I would like to see her have a week off relaxing before the baby arrives (though, she says she’s ready any time now – very cute).

Other news, Jo backed the Melbourne Cup winner … typical, she is the winner of everything (no jealousy here … heh ). The cat is convinced she is human. We’ve had to childproof the kitchen cupboards already as she can now open them, though she did just exhibit some cat like behavior by orchestrating a matrix move on the verandah (actually, she nearly flung herself right off the verandah due to being provoked by a cheeky bird).

I best get ready for today’s outing. Fingers crossed that next blog sees an addition to the family.

Bye for now